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Fto be lied to?Every person on earth will probably contract the Unicorn Free Hugs Just Kidding Don’t Touch Me Shirt COVID virus. What is important is the percentage that recover. They dont show you the numbers of deaths by other causes. They want you to believe COVID is the only cause of death today. Come on CNN you have an obligation.Another example of ‘bad’ police who feel they can do anything they want, knowing there are cameras everywhere and not caring if they are caught; bc as in this case he is only placed on leave by the department head, not given a really harsh punishment like being fired, I think this
BUY NOW: Turtle Let Me Pour You A Tall Glass Of Get Over It Oh And Here’s A Straw So You Can Suck It Up Shirt
annie. It failed, why because without a steady above minimum wage job or two people don't want to be held accountable for CRIMES, want to be accepted in college, get jobs even Trump is proud of this record 200.000 dead. Trump is holding rallies and no one is wearing a mask. Trump brags that it is only old people who die. Trump's goal is 6 million dead Americans. Herd mentality.Are you all so brainwashed about "orange man bad" that you don't want to know the t Turtle Let Me Pour You A Tall Glass Of Get Over It Oh And Here’s A Straw So You Can Suck It Up Shirt ruth about what's going on in our Government? Seriously, do you want the truth or do you want
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an, avoids transportation that mean higher carbon emissions. The Miyagi Do Reseda Okinawa Karate Vintage Shirt list can go on but I guess this wont change your opinions about her, because they arent based on facts to begin with. every parent has prepared their childrens diet? Look I dont mean you guys dont have anything at all to critize but the arguments are quite ad hominem. She wants to raise an issue then foucus on the countries has no blame in the CC. Anyway Im ok with disagreeing on climate change. My point was
BUY NOW: Master Yoda Beer Is The Path To The Drunk Side Vintage Shirt
The Master Yoda Beer Is The Path To The Drunk Side Vintage Shirt United States still does not have enough Masks for health care workers, testing and other PPE. 200,000 dead and counting while we are heading to 400,000 by the end of the year because of a leader not doing his job. Other countries that follow science and acted responsibly have opened 12/5. He once tried to hide him playing golf with a big 18 wheeler truck to try to block the media
BUY NOW; Just A Girl Who Loves Jeeps And Dogs Shirt
the Just A Girl Who Loves Jeeps And Dogs Shirt economies with less infections and death.They are trying to scare people into heart attacks and strokes by looking at these crazy numbers. This is not a virus it's a bacterial infection why don't they tell people the truth. It's about time they cut it out already and leave people alone let them live their life without fear.Oh yea his rigorous schedule is don’t start work earl only after 12. But he sticks to his “Executive Time” of course. Did I mention that he only works 4 days starting at
BUY NOW: Jesus I Died For You Will You Live For Me Shirt
lever people are informing everyone when the Jesus I Died For You Will You Live For Me Shirt make assesments, assumptions about something, based on the facts... or you are trying to tell us that every single person always makes decisions and discoveries only by themselves? You realise how nonsensical this is, rigth...? Of course you don't...She had been briefed about the facts, and she had came up with a conclusion. What's so in human trafficking and organized prostitution?This man threw a big wrench into our system, one
BUY NOW: I’m Not The Sweet Girl Next Door I’m The Crazy Veteran’s Wife Who Runs The Show Shirt
whole world we're all in this the I’m Not The Sweet Girl Next Door I’m The Crazy Veteran’s Wife Who Runs The Show Shirt lets hope things get better. Prayers for all. God bless us all for we are all his children.Um if ur taking about deaths with underlying conditions then think about it... Those underlying conditions were not cause of death. They were still living with the underlying condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.. the underlying condition did not cause the death. COVID caused them to die. .. THINK about fact, It's probably way higher than 200,000
BUY NOW: I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A Squirrel Shirt
deaths ... Don't deny the I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A Squirrel Shirt dead their count for what it is.It's baffling how many posts are of people in America still not believing covid exists. I work at a hospital and they kept bringing in huge trailers until we reached 10 trailers full of dead bodies! Even the military had to come in an help. That's literally never happened in my lifetime, it was crazy & frightening how people can be so far in denial. To deny something so obvious, it makes sense why you still vote for that clown DT
BUY NOW: Dandelion Flower Chickens Shirt
strange about that? Oh, and what about this "she" thing? Is she not a she anymore or what? Did she come up with this statement all by herself? No guidance from above? No advice from her nearby leftist-greenish-activistic-anticapitalistic guiding angels? The Dandelion Flower Chickens Shirt poor girl is shamelessly manipulated and exploited by groups who have no other way of disseminating their scientifically shallow message on the so-called "man induced" climate change. I am indeed dissappointed and
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has to ask why? 711 sorting machines, changing the Fine Frau Kann Nicht Allein Mit Wein Überleben Sie Braucht Auch Ein Pfers Shirt system of how mail gets handled, trucks leaving empty. Now why would he do this? Strangely the problems he caused is on the same page as what his boss is saying.Personal experience with the USPS is they can’t get me my forwarded mail when I moved. Lost mail. An election handled by the USPS is a nightmare. We will never know who will really legitimately win. This should have never have happened. It’s a joke.USPS handles
BUY NOW: Black Cat If You Can See Me I Failed My Stealth Check Shirt
472 million pieces of mail PER DAY. Even if all 330 million people in the Black Cat If You Can See Me I Failed My Stealth Check Shirt country got a ballot, which they don't, and all 330 million went by mail, which they don't, and all of them were delivered on one day, which they wouldn't be, you're still not even close to one full day's worth of average mail volume.That surprises me. US liquorice is weak. Yearned for Aussie liquorice when I was a US resident. Two packets in a week and you're staggering around on the edge of hypertensive shock. It's good sh
BUY NOW: Black Cat I Am Small And Sensitive But Also Fight Me Shirt
sorry on her behalf. Why do we keep hearing about this girl? What about Boyan Slat. ? He has invented something to clean the Black Cat I Am Small And Sensitive But Also Fight Me Shirt oceans. He doesn't shout about it. We never hear of him. She can shout all she likes at governments but nothing can be achieved until people stop being selfish. We all have to work together, give up things. If the people would pick up after themselves, use less plastic, buy more concerned products then that type of pollution would diminish. Having these t
BUY NOW: Bears Rollin With My Home Shirt
1. Is the Bears Rollin With My Home Shirt FBI investigating Hunter Biden’s receipt of $3.5 million from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow?This was his plan all along , screw up the USPS so people would feel uncertain about their votes ! put on a mask and vote in person if possible , Vote Biden , can’t take anymore insanity and corruption!DeJoy knows there will be no repercusions for bungling the mail-in-ballots. So he's happy to keep repeating the same lie knowing full well he has tweaked the postal system so it would fail to deliver those ballots in a timely manner.
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emper tantrums yelling at world leaders has less affect. Lead by example and the Zombies Can’t Deadlift Shirt will follow. Now put down that cell phone, log off your game console, turn off the computer, and do something that doesn't require electricity. This child is part of the death of expertise in the west. Follow a person whose ethical system hAs not yet recognized nuisances and whose actual knowledge of the complex science in which she has been feed cherry picked information is exce
BUY NOW: Yes I Am Old But I Saw Rod Stewart On Stage Signature Shirt
that the Yes I Am Old But I Saw Rod Stewart On Stage Signature Shirt arguments against her as a person are not strong, even accurate nor helping the issue of climate change. Have a nice christmas! How does she know the ins and outs of what world leaders are actually doing behind closed doors, things do need to change drastically but how does she physically know what's going on? to see that world leaders get together at their summits, do a mean that everybody else is also on the same, low level of intelligence. Btw scientists and other
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little song and dance for everyone and the Yes He’s Hunting No I Don’t Know When He’ll Be Home Yes We Are Still Married No He’s Not Imaginary Shirt go home and do not much if anything? Yeah. I must leaders that like to look good in front of a camera but do nothing but damage when they are off. And then we have Trump who couldn't find his way out of a paper bag without money outside of it and Putin to show him how. When are people going to realise that all the words that come out of this child’s mouth are written by an adult ?. She is not some kind of climate Messiah sent down from Heaven. Time she went home and back to schooluse you were dumb all your life, doesn't
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have superpowers to see that. What makes you think she's incapable of assessing things? She has a brain. When I was younger than her, I realised that my Dad was racist, and since the Wwg1wga Skull American Flag Shirt I educated myself so that I can argue with him. It's actually fun to tell people they're wrong. How about you and others realising that young lady has ‘issues’ she is on the autistic spectrum, or something very similar. Her parents were interviewed recently and they spoke about her condition....She is highly intelligent as are most people with these autistic tendencies. Only beca She's right. There are many
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issue. Besides what hinders children from having a standing in the Wu Tang Clan Life As A Shorty Shouldn’t Be So Rough Shirt public? Do they not have democratic rights? she spouts about her childhood being ruined, maybe she could visit a cobalt or lithium mine and see what it's like not to have a childhood. Kids younger than her working so people like her can play with mobile phones etc. She has the courage to criticize the endless consumption of technology, and the unequality in the world, But then the argument goes she should the other poor countries to stop their production and emissions and that the affluent
BUY NOW: Wu Tang Clan Life As A Shorty Shouldn’t Be So Rough Shirt
I think we need answers to the Wu Tang Clan Life As A Shorty Shouldn’t Be So Rough Shirt questions from Rep. Jim Jordan. Don't you?What about the police getting hit in the head with a bat this why police rolls over his head with a Bicycle with him
majority as she has a passion. She has already achieved tremendously with the work she has put it
Theads? It's not 'her' message though is it? Have you seen her interviewed without her parents, subtle in her approach. She has focused our attention on the perils of global warming that few ,even eminent scientists have able to do . That is sufficient achievement .I am grateful for her
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warming”, it’s inevitable. 1. The Florida State Seminole Daisy Flower Shirt world is too big a place to make such difference. 2. World leaders don’t really care as muchShe is correct about this. We are past the tipping point on climate cresearchDoes she know about weather manipulation stations and who controls weather. That's where she should start and stop barking on a wrong tree. She is probably unknowingly sponsored by crooks to divert focus She just looks 11 because all of the worrying she has been doing for us sB’s . And she will attend high school. You are really critisizing and focusing empty stuff. This is a
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ince age 11 has stunted her growth. What more of an education do you need than what she is doing? She is meeting with world leaders, consulting top scientists and many more exciting enriching things. Besides, regular school isn't necessarily the Feyonce He Put A Ring On It Shirt best for her. She doesn't care about things most kids her age do. I think I know why she looks so miserable, she is refusing to break wind in case it contributes to global warming and she is wincing from the trapped wind, she is very nauseating and just needs to let rip. She actually did graduate primary school with all A and three
BUY NOW: Engineer I’m Not Arguing Im Just Explaining Why I’m Right Shirt
hange. If drastic measures were implemented, we may be able to "buy" more years but that is about all. The Engineer I’m Not Arguing Im Just Explaining Why I’m Right Shirt planet will be fine - once we are all gone. In the book shops just now, there are piles of her books. I hope no electricity was used during the making of them, and that they were dthe past 5.5 million years or whatever! But now governments jump on the bandwagon and start taxing the population. It’s going to happen, people or no people!! If environmentalists want to get ahead of something they should address all the lithium batteries headed headed to a refuse land fill near you. Solar and wind require batteries. Also, we should spend more money on Thorium
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don’t really care as muchShe is correct about this. We are past the Dominic Toretto I Don’t Have Friends I Got Family Shirt tipping point on climate world clever people are informing everyone when their make assesments, assumptions about something, based on the facts... or you are trying to tell us that every single person always makes decisions and discoveries only by themselves? You realise how nonsensical this is, rigth...? Of course you don't...She had been briefed about the facts, and she had came up with a conclusion. What's so s
BUY NOW : Dear Algebra Stop Asking Us To Find Your X She’s Not Coming Back Shirt
elivered by horse and cart? I wonder what her, and the Dear Algebra Stop Asking Us To Find Your X She’s Not Coming Back Shirt 'family' wealth is right now? Kerching Kerching! Because where I live the vast majority of people attend school up to age 18 when they do A levels and then move directly on to college. I guess if you're getting paid to sail around the world and read speeches for someone else you don't need to think of a career. Autism is a form of learning difficulty! Fact! And I’m not denying climate change, I have read about lots and lots over
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legislation through that will kill bees, allow huge the Damn Right I Am A Packers Fan Now And Forever Shirt of the Amazon to burn, why do you car as long as you can still through you rubbish outWoe be tide that there is more than one bin you have to negotiate. you don’t need to be a scientist to understand there’s a problem , I’m not a pilot but if I saw a helicopter in a tree I think I could establish there was a problemShe's far too young to set this in motion and follow through in an effective way I think. Does she realise what her life in future will entail as a result? She has a good point but I think she needs to be more
BUY NOW: Cat Team Ginger Shirt
life long. You don't just stop at 18 or 21 and the Cat Team Ginger Shirt you know everything.You don't get "more subtle" fires, flooding, drought and more common extreme weather events. Parts of South Africa have a very real chance of becoming unviable. You might not have to leave but the next generation might. Perhaps her purpose was to make more people aware of a reality besetting the human race. As a young person, she now sees how the older ones work things out in the "real" world. Now it is a matter of choice, to heed the warnings of the younger gens or not. The way I see
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majority as she has a passion. She has already achieved tremendously with the Boo Flamingo Shirt work she has put it don’t really care as muchShe is correct about this. We are past the tipping point on climate world clever people are informing everyone when their make assesments, assumptions about something, based on the facts... or you are trying to tell us that every single person always makes decisions and discoveries only by themselves? You realise how nonsensical this is, rigth...? Of course you don't...She had been briefed about the facts, and she had came up with a conclusion. What's so s
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her script? Embarrassing. A clueless, disturbed child being used by her politically motivated parents. Does that mean that people can have no understanding of a subject unless the Amy Coney Barrett Notorious ACB Shirt possess a piece of paper that says they do?How odd. Surely then the politicians should have solved this issue by now because the thousands of scientists, who did gain the necessary bit of paper, have been telling them to fix it for years? that's ok you obviously don't want the environmental issues being raised so that while you cuddle that child in your arms you want to fill the ocean with plastic, allow
BUY NOW: 8 Hunter Pence San Francisco Giants Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt
trange about that? Oh, and what about this "she" thing? Is she not a she anymore or what? Did she come up with this statement all by herself? No guidance from above? No advice from her nearby leftist-greenish-activistic-anticapitalistic guiding angels?The 8 Hunter Pence San Francisco Giants Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt poor girl is shamelessly manipulated and exploited by groups who have no other way of disseminating their scientifically plastic, buy more concerned products then that type of pollution would diminish. Having these temper tantrums yelling at world leaders has less affect. Lead by example and others will follow.
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shallow message on the What Part Of K2 P3 K2tog P2tbl K3 Sl1 M1l Don’t You Understand Shirt so-called "man induced" climate change. I am indeed dissappointed and sorry on her behalf. Why do we keep hearing about this girl? What about Boyan Slat. ? He has invented something to clean the oceans. He doesn't shout about it. We never hear of him. She can shout all she likes at governments but nothing can be achieved until people stop being selfish. We all have to work together, give up things. If the people would pick up after themselves, use less
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countries has no blame in the Tractor Milf Man I Love Farming Shirt CC. Anyway Im ok with disagreeing on climate change. My point was of this child’s mouth are written by an adult ?. She is not some kind of climate Messiah sent down from Heaven. Time she went home and back to schooluse you were dumb all your life, doesn't mean that everybody else is also on the same, low level of intelligence. Btw scientists and other
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that the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Get In Loser We’re Going Smashing The Patriarchy Shirt arguments against her as a person are not strong, even accurate nor helping the issue of and others realising that young lady has ‘issues’ she is on the autistic spectrum, or something very similar. Her parents were interviewed recently and they spoke about her condition....She is highly intelligent as are most people with these autistic tendencies. Only beca She's right. There are many leaders that like to look good in front of a camera but do nothing but damage when they are off. And then we have Trump who couldn't find his way out of a paper bag without money outside of it and Putin to show him how. When are people going to realise that all the words that come out
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climate change. Have a nice christmas! How does she know the Rugrats Horror Characters Movies Halloween Shirt ins and outs of what world leaders are actually doing behind closed doors, things do need to change drastically but how does she physically know what's going on? to see that world leaders get together at their summits, do a little song and dance for everyone and then go home and do not much if anything? Yeah. I must have superpowers to see that. What makes you think she's incapable of assessing things? She has a brain. When I was younger than her, I realised that my Dad was racist, and since then, I educated myself so that I can argue with him. It's actually fun to tell people they're wrong. How about you
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and read speeches for someone else you don't need to think of a career. Autism is a form of learning difficulty! Fact! And I’m not denying climate change, I have read about lots and lots over B’s . And she will attend high school. You are really critisizing and focusing empty stuff. This is a cobalt or lithium mine and see what it's like not to have a childhood. Kids younger than her working so people like her can play with mobile phones etc. She has the Not All Witches Ride Broomsticks One Of Them Drives A Jeep Shirt courage to criticize the endless consumption of technology, and the unequality in the world, But then the argument goes she should the other poor countries to stop their production and emissions and that the affluent
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young and intelligent woman who has done a lot more the My Broomstick Runs On Jameson Shirt ”doing nothing” to fight climate change. She is vegan, avoids transportation that mean higher carbon emissions. The list can go on but I guess this wont change your opinions about her, because they arent based on facts to begin with. every parent has prepared their childrens diet? Look I dont mean you guys dont have anything at all to critize but the arguments are quite ad hominem. She wants to raise an issue then foucus on the issue. Besides what hinders children from having a standing in the public? Do they not have democratic rights? she spouts about her childhood being ruined, maybe she could visit a
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the Motley Crue Nikki Sixx Signature Shirt past 5.5 million years or whatever! But now governments jump on the bandwagon and start taxing the population. It’s going to happen, people or no people!! If environmentalists want to get ahead of something they should address all the lithium batteries headed headed to a refuse land fill near you. Solar and wind require batteries. Also, we should spend more money on Thorium researchDoes she know about weather manipulation stations and who controls weather. That's where she should start and stop barking on a wrong tree. She is probably unknowingly sponsored
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by crooks to divert focus She just looks 11 because all of the In A World Full Of Witches Be A Cat Mom Shirt worrying she has been doing for us since age 11 has stunted her growth. What more of an education do you need than what she is doing? She is meeting with world leaders, consulting top scientists and many more exciting enriching things. Besides, regular school isn't necessarily the best for her. She doesn't care about things most kids her age do. I think I know why she looks so miserable, she is refusing to break wind in case it contributes to global warming and she is wincing from the trapped wind, she is very nauseating and just needs to let rip. She actually did graduate primary school with all A and three
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into raising awareness for the I Love Playing Dumb It Allows Me To See Peoples True Intentions Shirt destruction of our planet due to climate change and the factors that have a very real chance of becoming unviable. You might not have to leave but the next generation might. Perhaps her purpose was to make more people aware of a reality besetting the human race. As a young person, she now sees how the older ones work things out in the "real" world. Now it is a matter of choice, to heed the warnings of the younger gens or not. The way I see it Climate change won’t stop might change might decrease. if we all gonna die from “global warming”, it’s inevitable. 1. The world is too big a place to make such difference. 2. World leaders
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change. If drastic measures were implemented, we may be able to "buy" more years but that is about all. The Grandad Knows Everything If He Doesn’t Know He Makes Stuff Up Really Fast Vintage Shirt planet will be fine - once we are all gone. In the book shops just now, there are piles of her books. I hope no electricity was used during the making of them, and that they were delivered by horse and cart? I wonder what her, and the 'family' wealth is right now? Kerching Kerching! Because where I live the vast majority of people attend school up to age 18 when they do A levels and then move directly on to college. I guess if you're getting paid to sail around the
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The Staffordshire Personal Stalker I Will Follow You Wherever You Go Bathroom Included Shirt s just too much inertia. The largest climate change driving problem globally isn't even addressed, namely population growth. In the last century the population has risen from around 2 billion to around 8 billion. Extrapolate those figures a couple of generations! I feel for this girl. Like many wise revolutionaries before her, her message is overlooked by the personal attacks made against her. Her message is about our own survival. Why can't people get this through their thick
BUY NOW: Sloth I Found This In My Pocket It’s For You Shirt
cause it. At least here in Sweden, I've never witnessed more awareness and positive discussion about what we can do as people to minimise the Sloth I Found This In My Pocket It’s For You Shirt negative impact of our choices. Recycling of waste is huge here, the vegetarian/vegan diet is growing, people are talking about consuming less, choosing second-hand, and choosing more environmentally products, etc.. Of course people were already doing these things but she's shone a new light on everything, and it's beautifulLet's face
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speaks up against countries that are already trying to be more green, and countries where she knows that she won't meet any form of criticism or resistance. In my eyes this makes her look fake. totally agree. As long as the The Simpsons Family And Bazinga Shirt giant polluters continue to pollute, what we do to help is just a drop in the ocean. No matter how hard we try we will never ever achieve a clean planet. Go after the really bad guys, no point preaching to the converted. spend time on his education and thinking
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how to help the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Saint Ruth The Supreme Better A Bitch Than A Mouse Shirt planet. He created a something to clean the ocean. He did not intended to make a name, he wanted to clean the ocean. People who want to help and change do their job. Quietly, effectively and efficiently. What did she expect,? Creative PR is all politicians ever do. If they made the month. if only she changes couple of thousand children/adults in the way of thinking about their environment, they just won’t drop their rubish where they stand, i think she reached more
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tough decisions, that may be unpopular, the Pit Bull I’m Telling You I’m Not A Dog My Mom Said I’m A Baby Shirt would never get elected...If she honestly thought yelling at politicians will have any impact whatsoever she's more naive than I thoughtThis is a child who is being propelled by someone else. She's far to young to understand and is just repeating what she has been schooled in. How on earth do they think anything she has to say is going to make a difference. She's going to suffer an almighty come down when she is no longer flavour of
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school and scientist, being a puppet of the Mick’s Gym Training Eat Lightning Crap Thunder Vintage Shirt Mick’s Gym Training Eat Lightning Crap Thunder Vintage Shirt media and SJWs agenda allows you to scam a lot of listen to the speech before commenting. She talks more sense and shows a greater amount of knowledge than most of the self righteous, ignorant commenters here.Sadly what she is saying is true. Many of our so called leaders lack the courage or ability to tackle the issue of climate change. Our climate does change we have had ice ages before, and they have melted. What we have now
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money ... i mean get a lot of fund, how stunning and brave!! I am sick and tired not to do enough for our planet. I have created a petition in hope that this will make a difference too. That what I have done. Here is the Lilo And Stitch As Jack And Sally Zero Shirt link. Pls read,sign and most importantly share on your social media. Why are so many cynical people attacking this wonderful young woman? She may look young, but she is over 16, so the 'missing school' rhetoric does not apply. Everyone needs to wake up to the climate crisis that we are in. The doubters will rue the day! As usual know one bothered to actually
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horrible. The I Act Like I’m Ok But Deep Down I Just Need To Go To New Mexico Shirt environmental destruction of our planet or "mature" adults insulting and belittling a things about her? I read one comment from some old man who hoped that Greta would be raped. many scientists who are (and have been) sounding the alarm bells for years and attempting to find solutions. WE know the solution - but there is no will to actually take the drastic, required measures. Funny how you can comment on facebook behind a dog photo, taking swipes at a girl.
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using her position as someone in the Happy Halloween The Golden Ghouls Shirt public eye to highlight important issues. We dont need another scientist, we already have thousands saying the same thing. we need someone to hold people accountable. and she's doing it. a schoolgirl. shouldn't we feel ashamed? My question is why is her focus on the EU, US and Australia and not China, who are some of, if not the biggest world polluters? I never heard her mention China or India or any Asian/ME countries. Screw the
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We deserve our fatethanks for telling other people how to be passive while the Florida State Seminoles Black Girl Shirt planet burns. Just because you're too old to see the worst effects in your lifetime doesn't mean you get to tell kids success makes the underachievers among us feel inadequate. Some people just can't accept that someone so you, and female, can achieve what she has. so she shouldn't draw attention to this huge, huge issue? She should sit in a corner and shut the F up? No one is listening to the many,
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What have you done to change the Elephant I’m Sorry Did I Roll My Eyes Out Loud Shirt word climate? By the time she goes to school, becomes a scientist, it will be too late. Oh and by the way, we have a ton of scientists that are warning of climate change. And they are telling us it is accelerating at a faster pace. Has any of the politicos listened to them? There are more than enough scientists to make the necessary changes - it's governmental policy which is suffering from inertia due to too many vested interests and a lack of imagination and ambition. Greta has never tired of pointing this out and she is only asking us to