Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 4, 2020

con ten

There’s no testing available here for anyone regardless of color, unless you’re a first responder/medical staff, or pretty much sick enough to be hospitalized.Take home message:   In the world always there is a section, who keep on complaining, irrespective of the importance they get.  This is what is happening in India and so called liberals are highlighting about minorities, human rights etc, etc. This type of people try to come into prominence by back stabbing their own Nation. Forget those idiots.I live in a decent neighborhood,  we aren't poor(not rich either lol) and I'm aula Lambert Quinn nothing to do with racism. Has to do with defiance of social distancing rules. They just can’t help themselvesIt's also institutionalized, which makes it harder to fix. And most people don't want to upset the systems in place because they benefit from them. A part of the reason COVID-19 is affecting POC more is that the majority of the essential jobs are filled by them, causing more exposure. (And it's also why it's not a coincidence that so many of those jobs are low paying.)You know you could tell me from personal ex of cases in Chicago are black people even with them being only 13% of the population...No body is born a racist we learn to become one whicn you tell me which community the “Blackmon” was sent to??? You sound very prejudiced with your little fake story. I just quoted the article, idiot. Blackmon was the name of the doctor in the article. The treatment hear in Illinois is 'stay at home' if you have symptoms. 'Stay away from others', including family members, if you have a fever.But screw the middle blue collar worker class!!  fight fight fight for the poor/prisoners/and shelters...but the working class fight for yourself! Typical response! You should be fighting FOR EVERYONE! Not just the dependent ones...We still begging instead of taking action a people we  spent over a trillion dollars yearly, stop begging...come together...develop our on funds we can contribute too...handle our on business.Because of the pastors in the south, welcoming parisheners to attend church, the general consensus is that most pastors do not take this virus seriously.Lmao. Push a narrative for the election since Biden doesn't remember where he is long enough to campaign. Where are the reports that they aren't being treated equally. Is he calling the first responders racist?People of color are not being discriminated against with this virus.  Everyone is being treated the same.Yeah you might want to read the article instead of making baseless accusations of the content..  it’s no ones fault if you or a certain race do go get in line wtf and you know that HOW? Because Fox told you so? US has the highest levels of racism in the world, followed by Australia, UK & Italy...wake up from ur cave.POC have NEVER been treated the same, as it relates to healthcare and level of care. This is documented in many studies!You ignorant racist Trump supporters are America's version of the Nazis. Everybody knows it except for your ignorant selves.I understand what they are saying and why they want this. But there aren't enough test kits to do the job. Less than 1% of our citizens have been tested. Hospitals are going without. People are dying and I doubt anyone has bothered to see if they were white or black.Maybe they should address the Liberal policies that allow the undocumented to hide in poor minority communities. Services to the poor are shared with individuals that do not belong here.Don’t hospitals decide who to test? I doubt if a black person goes to the hospital with covid-19 symptoms that they would be turned away from a test just because of their skin color. That is precisely what is happening. Disparities in healthcare started way before Covid 19. An entire body of research has been developed to support discrimination in heathcare  so a person in ER is like nah you are black I can’t help you? I call bulshit. everyone of all races are receiving help.  It is not ok to just as for help for only people of a specific race or skin color.  That is racist. I do ask for all USA . no it isnt racist...look at the facts on healthcare for POC before you open your mouth.Sarah Powell it is racist.  Shut your mouth .  If you are going to ask for help POS don’t racial divide. race exists. Get over it. If you're allowed to ignore the divide that's costing people lives, we're allowed to bring up exactly why it exists.White people are always trying to pull this opinion, not realizing ignoring the issue makes you the racist.Either you listen to the VERY REAL discrimination they're speaking on, or admit you ignore for convenience and to feel better about yourself. get over yourself. You are evidently apart of the divide problem a Democrat for sure.  To ask for help for all is the right thing to do.  One Country USA  One People.  Together we stand.  Keep your division to yourself, We The People of The USA  DONT CARE FOR IT! I'm not a Democrat. I'm also not an idiot, and have been aware of the difference in healthcare between white and black people. It's well documented.  your mouth  says different look it up as I am sure Google can define it for you. Education helps. There is research that backs the fact that POC are discriminated against in the healthcare field. you are the ignorant one who is still spitting divide based on race or color, that makes you a racist.As a member of the left-handed community, I call for testing, treatment, and protective gear to be readily available to left-handed and ambidextrous communities.They “whine” because they have learned it works for them. If whining alone doesn’t work,they combine it with the race card.  So you are saying the deciding factor to test somebody or not is the color of their skin?Some say so. But may also be lack if awareness that asthma, obesity, diabetes and hbp and low vitamin d3 levels makes younger minorities more vulnerable  Why would I comment if I didn't read the article?  Apparently you didn't read it because nowhere in there did it say they weren't tested because of the color of their skin.Did you get this angry when Trump said "anyone who wants to get tested can get tested"?They need benefits : paid sick leave, health care, strong unions and workplace safety. In addition more research like the new study shows that people of color of all incomes are more vulnerable due to low vitamin d3 levels. They also studied their own staff  fatalities. Vitamin d3 boosts respiratory immunity.The problem is they don't listen were not  living in normal world anymore the  key word is protection separation with they can't do for some reason that's probably the main cause.Testing is an issue for the entire country... the problem is that “essential” employees are more exposed.  PPE is a massive issue for people working in less desirable jobs.These same pastors supported Biden, who is opposed to Healthcare for all. Their call for support is a joke. They had their chance to care. Instead of caring, they endorsed Biden.Funny part about this stupidity? The areas where the black community is being most affected and not being helped...chicago and new york.....both democratic run areas.....and yet they are talking about Republicans causing the racial gap in being helped. Time to actually pay attention to the factile the biggest story of century breaks, CNN reported a groundhog eating pizza!  Once again, it didn’t fit their narrative!Talk is cheap. These pastors need to set up a fund to cover the cost of medical care fo one testing site in my community, which is a large community, not accessible to all, especially seniors, just asked about this exact same thing 2 weeks ago!In the Democrat run areas. Of course Democrats don't take care of their citizens. Welcome to planet earth. I'm sure in republican ran poor towns they are feeling the same thing...poor people usually all receive the same treatment...   This is NOT, repeat, NOT, a Democrat or Republican issue!  It is a HUMAN issue!All CNN does is scare scare scare. Divide divide divide. Dont believe there lies and fear. God is in control not them! obv not if pastors are asking for PPE You know what FREE WILL is don't you Our crisis now is to stop the democrats from trying to destroy our economy by refusing to fund our small businesses! Contact them, ask them to get back to work, and in November, please remember the games they're playing with all of our lives, all in the name of POWER! democrats don't want the economy to get back on track as they feel it would strengthen them, we need to get these morons out of our govt. whydo you think everything is about politics?  Do you think the dead people in Italy and Spain care about who the president is in the States? I don't know it you're a real person or someone paid to  write comments to serve an agenda. Whatever! you do realize that the President is a Republican, the Senate is controlled by the Republicans and even SCOTUS leans conservative and we are still in the mess we are in?  Smh.Peggie, please remain 13 ft from anyone else for the duration of your life. COVID is just as contagious as stupidity.  and not a Democrat o republicans  the only I c in the reopening is the virus can spread more and lot of people can die for moneywell large crowds in big cities where they are partying.....been going on....fix that and it'll help quite a bitI thought America as paradise. Do they don't buy face masks and the likes by their own? Not fair question  at all.Love this pastor, but hey, it should be provided for the white, Asians, Latinos, Hispanics, middle Eastern also, not only the blacks, Every lives mattersI could be wrong but I'm thinking the Coronavirus is color blind. Unfortunately it is selective in that anyone with high blood pressure, diabetes, and other diseases related to poor lifestyle habits will be more adversely effected by the Coronavirus. So anyone regardless of race, sex, etcetera all, will necessarily have to be careful if they are one of the above. that's not the point being made. It's about who has/gets the resources vs who doesn't... Obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure seems to be the cause of the many covid-19 deaths in Louisiana.   All across America it is stupidity that is causing deaths!  People not doing what needs to be done!  Yes it is difficult, it is also necessary!yeah unhealthy eating habits go hand and hand with lazy and lack of self esteem their dammed fault. Mardi Gras spread the virus effectively and health related problems is the reason so many in Louisiana die from it.   I know people with health related issues that have survived!  So that is not entirely true. , There are a lot of things in the world that are not totally "true," Rae. Maybe you should take that same approach or mindset when  and don’t be so utterly ridiculously ignorant! If the African American community say they are suffering then listen to them ! WTH is wrong with people?Christ Almighty - nothing pisses off a Deplorable more than people of color talking about EQUALITY!Oh my God here we go with the racist stuff again Democrats and race they love to put that out there create hate that's what they're all about I knew Id get several of those. My mom is the same. I' Can handle- You can't.Says the left out and irrelevant. Wait. I am amazed at this. Do you think white ppl is getting tested or helped in any way No we aren t we are all in the  same situation I am a white personal a Nurse working  in the middle of it putting my life on the line and I am not tested , with bare minimal PPE we get a mask every 3 days. So please this is unfair to say you make it sound like we get all the treatments and help n race not participating in social distancing is African Americans. Especially where I live.We're going to see how racist America actually is by which communities get helped when...when it's logical to help black and Native peoples first to save as many lives as possible after taking population density into consideration. SO because you don't see it in Mississippi in the one place that you work at within the one city....then it doesn't exist?   Jeez. I didn’t say it didn’t exist... I just don’t want us to be singled out like we’re not trying... because clearly this article is trying to do thatMany factors are at play: income, public jobs, workplace safety, health issues, lack of paid sick leave and new study indicates obesity and low vitamin d3 levels are major  factorsWell, well.  It's not just the states who are lacking test kits.  I am a white senior citizen living in Puerto Rico.  The only way you can get a test here is to be half dead due to lack of tests.  Trump hates Puerto Rico; and we will pay the price of his wrath thru death.Wanda Lewis  Are you suggesting that our entire island, the size of PA deserves trumps wrath?  Are you suggesting that we deserve to die because trump doesn't like Puerto Ricans or our elected officials????  Sounds like a comment a white supremacist would make., no I’m not saying that at all but she did do wrong. I think everyone should be tested. Trump 2020  Please understand the issue....  Trump is withholding life saving tests and materials from PR because he hates the Mayor of San Juan and our current Governor.  Our Governor is no prize; but at least she took action to protect our society far earlier than most states.  The issue is that if trump doesn't like a Governor, the entire state or territory is made to suffer.Read the article, nothing to do with political parties, no one is asking for special treatment. African American are more susceptible to covid-19 due to underlying health issues.  Until you become a person of color, you’ll never understand what one experiences.Racism has been a subject for decades,I think we are increasingly raising our voices every day of our livesIn all hospitals equal treatment is given to African Americans. But it's their cramped and crowded living conditions that cause heavy death rate.Question: Why do people oppose  businesses.) We’ve already spent $6 trillion we don’t have. If speed of relief is the goal, this is the fastest solution of all. $80/wk would be what I'd get so,  nnnnoooooooo thanks.  Id rather take the $1200 stimulus checkPeople of color, whom are most impacted, should get the testing first along side with the medical services.Maybe they should insist on African Americans to start obeying social  Yep voting them inIts killing more blacks than whites in America .. period 01 USA should also be sued true home and you have to start looking after it. There is no grand Pooba coming down to fix the planet. We have to do it. What kind of a god would want any of us in your heaven knowing the destruction caused in the heaven already given us. Churchies need to get over it.Mark, I love they way you brush away the part that we all have to come to the grave at sometime. Keep been delusional weirdo alert somewhere check this guy and see what he got mixed up in this Kool-Aid?I don't know if it's true I just have a feeling this guy has a red hat somewhereDrake Obbus pray harder and louder. Your God doesn't hear you coz he's in another planet to avoid the virus. Nearly 3M infections worldwide. More than a hundred thousand deaths.  PRAY LOUDER AND HARDER! just an FYI - not only do I know God is there, He has worked miracles in my life. Having CHURCH services during this? That's human ego and and human deaths that occur ARE on this pastor. But why expose others to the risk of early death? That's irresponsible. The only 2 differences between this and what Jim Jones did is that this preacher was ignorant, and that those that might die after him will die a slow, painful death. When you are dead. You are dead. Nothing to brush away. If you think we are floating in the clouds singing Cumbaya together. Who is delusional? all though your point is accurate through the first sentence. God did not give use life to disrespect it and not take life lessons seriously. Although unfortunate, he was negligent Yes we will die someday, but holding a church gathering amid a pandemic is suicidal and murderous. the sin  for those who insulted God is on the preachers head because he was not above Christ Himself who obeyed the law.I so much admire his fortitude in God and dare I say indeed God Almighty is bigger than this virus,lets not focus on the fact that he died Adonai works in mysterious ways.You spoke the truth. God is larger than anything else in the whole universe. God is the alpha and omega. We all live by God's plan, and God has a better plan for you. You're in a better place now where there is no more suffering and pain, no more hunger and no more death. May you RIP. And may The Good Lord guide your family members.There's no such thing as God  and if anyone from the congregation gets infected from his church, he’s got blood on his hands when he meets God for judgement.Patrick t langela, dont you feel its high time you go over there too,since its much better says the guy who believes in a skydaddy. Yes, God is bigger than Corona virus.. as Christians we are on a journey the earth is not our permanent home ours is the kingdom of heaven..So please stop insinuating that the pastor was wrong because he died..death was defeated by Christ on the cross hence eternity...May God bless and keep the pastors family in Jesus name. he was wrong! He caught the virus, and died! He could not have been more wrongThat was his statements and ”God” couldn’t save him. The coronavirus happened to be bigger than ”God”. I can show you proof of the virus can you show me proof of God? Nice fake profile William Lebogang. Must be one hell of a plan if your god decided to take him away from his family and flock!  You have any proof? Faith is not proof. Where was god in Italy when doctors and nurses were dying. Where the prayers not as worthy as all the prayers here? She might not be in a position to call you in two weeks  do you really believe what you say? Wow  that's what this Bishop thought this virus is invisible myth.So does you think like this Bishop that God is a Myth ... I won't get into a internet frenzy with you are anyone about how big My God is!! .God bless the  Pastors human and u are on your own So where was God for the families of the dead? Were none of them worthy of God's so called grace? Are nurses and doctors not worthy? Sit down god is so insignificant at the moment because he doesn't simply exists in the first placeWhy are there so many trolls from Africa all over recently?  What in the hell?  Is Russia pumping money into African troll farms this year or something? where God is smaller or bigger or anything like that exists or not nobody knows though everybody wishes! For sure,  cannot have as a week and helpless God as in the Bible or Quran.Being fearful of God is one thing but being foolhardy of Covid 19 is not the same.Beliefs are wonderful. Got it. To each their own. But common sense must prevail here...Unless some want to selfishly infect others which is what’s going on in some parts. “God” I’m sure will love you the same if you listen to the medical experts’ advise. Don’t be selfish. Think of others’ wellbeing during this time. is exposing god for the sham that he is. This pandemic can’t be prayed away, bribed away, or imagined away. And if god was an almighty god, I’m sure he wouldn’t be working at the same slow nonexistent pace as scientific research. When this is over, it’s time to file a class action lawsuit against the church for fraud and robbery. the Bishop was not ignorant and what he said was right God is bigger than Coronavirus but he's not though. The virus won. Hince why the virus is bigger than God. if he wasn't ignorant why are you locked up inside your house?  abiding by the precautionary measures set .otherwise we would all be roaming around everywhere like it's normal, get my point. If I can understand what you are saying yes thanks I like salad dressed in cheese, salt and green olives. Bless you, Amen! That is probably true but the good pastor tried to play God and that is never a good idea. we are inside homes because the government said so and we we respect the government even when devil mastermind the killing of Jesus Christ on the cross he thought he had won but in the actual sense he lost the battle absolutely that's right, what did the good bishop Do? He bleached that, he ignored the set measures. He had the option to delivering the same physical message live, there's TV, there's social media. umm if you want to get technical, the devil was just playing his part brought to. Him by God. If everything is under God's control, and he is omnipotent and knows everything that will happen, then he knew. Thus making it God's fault. in the small mind of the Devil he thought he was doing away with Jesus yet he calling for the coals of fire on himselfThere's nothing wrong with having faith greater than life God bless the family and friends but we here on earth have to be mindful of a disease that's killing at an unbelievable rate and we must do any and everything to protect ourselves while God is on high watching over us all the evil of mankind is down here so worship daily but wear that mask and gloves while your doing itHer father was reckless with the lives of people who believed in and trusted him..His know it all attitude has killed him and possibly many others. this is the perfect example of what is happenning in the world today. nobody believes in him and now this virus is spreading. keep mouthing off and laugh all you want. you reap what you sow. Really, nobody believes in Him? How about u? So, u think God is punishing unbelievers and yet would not spare believers because, why?  Stop trying to explain who God is. Just saying u dont know anything about Gof, except what you've been told will be honest enough.God will heal them. Their try USA  was built. IN GOD WE TUST. no the United States has many different religion's thats why we have seperation of church and stateWhere is God when you need him the most?  This proves that the Jesuses and Mama Marys do not exist as you claim. Meditate and listen to your inner God will save you any day....even just a small common sense will save u May be that priest want to be a Matyr and he brought other people down with him in the process. It happen in South Korea in Feb when cult leaders told them that God will protect them from the disease. At the end, South Korea system fall thank to these "trojan" who brought the virus and spread to many people as 1 person can spread to 35-50 prayers in the Church. He is God that Heals He lives He is indeed more that a corona thats the truth live with it he should have listened god can't protect no one from the virus god didn't start it.. people often use god as a crutch, he gave us brains to figure things out, sadly this bishop did not use the brain god gave him. As my mom always said , god helps those who help themselves.When God created us he gave us a brain and expects us to use them when making's not his fault that some choose not to. This preachers arrogance is what killed him.Though I'm not a believer, this still isn't proof that God doesn't exist.  You can't prove a negative. OH please the Bible is already too corrupt... Created by people who wants to control the world. Look at what's happening to the world right now...people are fighting over who has the absolute truth...and if you're looking for truth it isn't written anywhere... Go find it inside yourseld it's only a fool that says there's no God. Look at the sky and the earth and tell me who made them. terrible isn't it? Sometimes I think these cult people are actually spreading ignorance and not truth. They feel more confident with their faith that they ignore other information from the real worldMaria Sandra Rodriguez God never told anyone to go face the lion, if the lion devour you then you can't blame him. Your analogy of "where is God when you most need him" is pointless, you can't even give an account of what's that inner god is that you are talking about unless that's gas bubbling inside your tummy. My grandma always say when the heart and the brain are fighting.... Go believe what the brain is telling you instead... That's the very reason it is above the heart.. We must be logical and put common sense first  in any situations The reason why the brain is on top of the heart is because it is superior... Logic and common sense is what we need to have at all times Yeah probably that's what he wanted but it's wrong that he is bringing people with him. If it's suicide he should not involve other people with his stupidity.Think why Pop encourage social distance? He doesn't believe in God nor he is afraid of death?Believe in God is also having  humility, humble.... you don't have to brag as if you are immortal or you don't  care about life on earth and put others in danger. if you try and pay a little bit of attention, most the time preachers don't come close to their congregants.If God is everywhere...why can’t you pray and honour him from wherever you stand?  Historically churches were not in such great abundance yet people were still devout and followed the teachings of their religion. One of the commandments states to love thy neighbour. In my opinion you broke that commandment. Be good humans. Pray at home, and stay at home agreed..  it goes for ask religion. In time of calamity like this.. one can pray at home. But this guy wanted to show off and put his family in danger. I pray no one else caught it from those two services. Because you can't fill the offering baskets from home. Which is why this bishop thumbed his nose at the government and common sense and *Gasp* look what happened?!Unfortunately I will agree. The problem is so easily solved by creating a site to donate to your church. Remotely. Also, a site for your weekly sermon. So many safe solutions...God works in mysterious ways...  Listen to the experts, folks. God created science, scientists and medicine... & your brain....use it!The brainwashed telling people to use their brains It's okay to have faith in God but GOD  also gave us common sense. We know there is risk of contracting this virus in large gathers. If you are willing to take the risk and no the possible consequences, do what you want! This is America! As for me, I'm practicing social distancing.Unfortunately he was brainwashed as a child to believing there is a "God" in the sky..  and unfortunately he had a weak mind and believed it..A pastor who died of the coronavirus after he held services. Four of his family members also infected. No matter if the Pastor's faith was justified or not: Endangering your congregation and your family is not the way professional Christians should bear witness to their community. Dead dimwits like Bishop Gerald Glenn are the reason God has such a bad rep in today's world. no pastor has a healing power. Only God does. They depend solely in that power. Also not everyone can perform healing, it all depends on your faith in Jesus Christ.Who ever said pastors have healing powers  No they can heal cancer patient in one minute.I can give u many  video. No God comes to help anyone including yours. And also no God is better than others. I never said anything about any religion. Please stay safe instead you come here to debating about religion. The healing power of God bishop believed has transferred him Eternal rest where he's receiving the Crown of life forever. what do you mean by gullible? What would you know. You don't believe in God, so you can't believe anything He does. who says I don't,I just don't believe in your God the same way you don't believe in the thousands of others that have been worshipped,faith healers ?,grow up.need doctor.They do five time prayer.This corona virus is only for  us (kafirs)u don't worry.8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.Everyone has to die, including people of God. Not all prayers are answered in the way you’d like them to be. But right now this man is currently still spreading his faith even while dead. Quit letting fear run your life. seems to me the fear of God is what killed him.  Glad don't have THAT disease., I don't know if he is still spreading his faith but he certainly is still spreading the virus. so let’s get this right. There are a million cases in the world but you are worried about the 4 family members that made the choice to go to church. Your logic is strong., they weren't reporting on a million cases. The article was focused on this particular story. That's how  people respond to an articles, they read them, then they form an opinion based on the facts as they understand them. So yes! I would say my logic is quite strong.The not all prayers are answered BS is how you keep your lies going. What would God's prayer acceptance rate be? I guess Nurses, Doctors are not worthy of God's grace. umm well i worked on an Ambulance, Fire dept and Sheriffs office. I received my fair share of Gods grace. U are still gonna die one day and u can find out if it was well that seems dumb. Why would I want to do that? You’re kind of out there aren’t ya bud? so because they didn’t report it you ignore it because that makes sense. You aren’t real high on the whole IQ scale are ya bud?Yes, God is bigger than this virus but we also have to use wisdom and not put the Lord to test.RIP bishop and may your family get well soon I pray that you nor your family catch this virus. A day will come when you will meet your Maker. Then you can repeat those words. comments about so called imaginary things. but I'm spitting facts, no?  no! you should prove it to me ell he tested the limits and was met with death. So many people will die cause of ignorance. Religious people need to be wiser  then that. But they are all human also so pretty ignorant we are all. The whole Bible ends in this  text in Isaiah: My ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts. As the sky is far from the Earth, so is my thoughts far from yours. Still, God rules. Keep serving Him. stick to this topic he would have been okay if not for his defiance, disobedience and foolish actions. Pay attention yes it can happen to anyone of us even if we do our best to stay safe. This is a different instance. Again read the book of Proverbs will teach you a lot about foolish men and wise men.Kimberly Williams no matter how wise u are u will die,and can die very early stage of your life. I know if u were among Jesus disciples or u were just present when they came for Jesus Christ u will have insult him and say It was revealed to u that they will come and kill u why didn't u run away? Or why are u not saving your dont know if it true or false, what if He was crusified, Christians are persecuted these days why do you keep saying that she insulted him? The Bible talks to us about wisdom. It is not foolishness. We are always given a choice. Starting with the original sin. The BiBle also states to follow the laws of the land where you are. As Christian we hope that when we did, we do go to Heaven. But it does not mean rushing there Show some respect to the man of God if u serve the same God. U don't know what's gonna kill you one day and someone is gonna say same stuff about u.No different than jumping out the window and expecting God to catch you. When you hit the pavement it's not because God had forsaken you it's because you didn't listen to his words about protecting yourselfGo Mez, Like i said, CNN doesn't mention it in the HEADLINES, fb headers are not the same and are not present on the cnn website sir!!Ppl are quick to judge, but in reality only one can judge, only one can determine if his act was faith based or selfish, be careful ye self proclaimed judges......  that's your opinion, i respect it, the end. Respect that Bishop's decision, we cannot change it, and judging him is not our right. I don't judge your opinion of me, oh well. Have a great day and be safe!! Again thats your opinion from your perspective. Anyone who has an ounce of faith in God knows that judgement is reserved for God only....I think people should realize God gave us a mind to think through these things. If you can’t pray at home, you’re not using what God gave you.Like Trump he may very well be guilty of making others die because he did not care about othersAmericans are really blowing up social media right now. Everything from gun wielding protesters to pastors unwilling to follow simple rules!  it is shining through brightly on the world stage as it has been for a while. I see a lot of ignorance in your post there bud. Perhaps you should try seeing both sides of the argument before posting. Just because you may not believe in god doesn’t mean you are right. I’ve always been a scientific person and I sure in the heck can’t disprove there is a god.Your imaginary friend isn't even as big as the common cold. Time to join the 21st century!Apparently God isn’t larger than coronavirus. People that don’t listen to science, don’t believe in science, should not be leading any type of flock. They are dangerous to the people that view them as “God’s representative on earth”You know, if you need the church building to worship God, maybe you need to take another look at your faith.Why can't I feel empathy for those who do not care for the well-being of others?" The greatest difference between intelligence and stupidity is that intelligence has it's limits " He essentially killed himself and literally put many lives at risk. Doesn’t sound like a true Christian.Even the Pope did not congregate. How foolish can this man be? He’s not afraid of death but what about the people he infected?One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry with this level of ignorance! Entering the lion’s cage isn’t faith, it's plain and simple stupidity! so Those that entered the Lions cage as Lions that died also what do u call that.You are talking like clowns.we have soldiers(doctors) on Frontline that died.we have people who died of malaria alone people die every day so why are u talking as if you know next 10mins of your life. do you mean all who've infected with Corona went for it?This bishop new the worst could happen was death and he knew Christ who overcame soldiers do not take their families to the front line! If you want to enter the lion's cage just go ahead do it yourself but do not take the rest of the people with you!These magical thinking fundamentalists get on my nerves. Im sorry he died, but hopefully this shows others to be fearful and take care. The Lord tells us to be watchful.It is one thing to say your god is bigger than a disease, it is another to fortify yourself against this disease. I am from Nigeria in AFRICA, we don't boast about this without wisdom, we have herbs that we take for this & if you don't mind, I will list them as many as want the combination.God gave me this brain and this heart and wants me to use them to protect myself and others. Hi. I think you possibly have me confused with someone else of the same name perhaps? How ridiculous is all that ... Wtf they live in another dimension not the real worldYep so nice how many others have they infected how many people have they issued a death sentence tooWe are selfish because we only call and remember God in the time of hardship and life tests.If we remeber God in every aspect of our lives andblive our life according to his principles then God will show mercy upon us every time.Missinterpretation if you ask me! God give us doctors and scientists for a reason. Atleast he is in a better placeAs long as there is someone in the sky to protect me, there is no one on the earth who could break me.he said he was not afraid of death. he didnt day he wont die. no CHRISTIAN is afraid of death. How about those he has infected? What right does he have to decide their outcomes for them by exposing them? Omg, u sound like a Jim Jones follower!Oh Lord, save us from this epidemic and save all humankind, we beg you with all good deedsChrist is above all things in Heaven and on Earth. But he told Peter to go and catch fish and find money in the stomach to pay their tax before they get into trouble. No Christian behaving contrary to the law will make Heaven. Stiff necked fools. Remember Even Jesus prayed the whole night and finally was crucified later on God ressurected Him and today He's gloryfied.Bishop too is rejoicing in heaven.Believe in God through Jesus, pray and he will answer you. but the Bible says in the book of proverb 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Please stay at home and pray your father in heaven that seeth in secret will reward thee openly....Keep spreading fear.. It's what you do best. Yeah whatever  He chose his god over medicine and science. You makes your choices thou shall not kill. Dead pastor gonna have ppl killed.not that yaweh would care. He is ocerly fond of plagues and limes the sight of dead pplCome,my people, enter thou into Chambers, and shut thy doors about thee,hide thy self as if were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpastAnd  slams pastor killed by virus, saying, “Let that be a lesson to the Faithful”!!!Well they all want to go to heaven anyway. They just moved to o cách ngu ngốc và mù quáng là được. Tôi thì tôi chỉ tin rằng chỉ có một cuộc đời thôi và không có thiên đàng cho bạn sau khi chết đâu. Chỉ có tình yêu của những người yêu thương bạn là giữ hình ảnh bạn trong trái tim họ.If it were left up to democrats this country would never go back to work. We have to get back to work in areas that we can. It’s not the rest of the country’s fault that New Yorkers listened to their democrat politicians that told them everything’s fine, go about your business, when the President stopped flights coming from Chinaer seen it in my entire life.

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