Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 4, 2020

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 the less places that sell books, the less incentive for authors to write full time and in the end, there  I think he is trying to give people some peace of mind. But obviously I will still wipe everything that comes inside my house ..Hon Soibi Ibibo Jack   Yea please can you text me I have something to tell you now please this is my number +233263205511 wiping everything down is what gives me peace of mind I wipe and clean everything and I don't touch the non perishables for a few days. Something new always comes up with this virus and the " experts" might come out with something like " oh we were wrong. A study shows the coronavirus can be spread through your groceries. Oops , sorry. "The media has become a total circus and misleading. Don’t trust what they say. Just protect your self . Wear mask , gloves , clean and wipe your groceries . Always wash your hands and practice social distance. Simple as that. One day they tell us to do one thing then next day is another story.I wash my veggies and fruits with lite soap lol. I even spray my money with Lysol . The media is confusing people, they flip flop on what people should or shouldn’t do.“Daily stress”? You mean weekly or monthly stress? Because we are in the middle of a pandemic so no, “experts”, we aren’t frolicking about and recklessly shopping without a care in the world. Wtf Yea please can you text me I have something to tell you now please this is my number +233263205511Y’all, wash and wipe down your groceries and wash your hands. Remember, the “experts” also said don’t wear a mask unless you’re sick now look at all of us wearing masks whether we’re sick or not. At this point use common sense and take the precautions needed for you and your families. Stay safe everyone! you're wearing a mask because *you* may be sick. It's to protect others, not you.But, but, but CNN says... HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE "EXPERTS" !! Nope..I quarantine my pantry items for 4 or 5 days and wipe down perishable. All fruit veggies washed and i remove everything from store container if possible.And then another article says that the virus can live on deli meats and cheeses for five days, any plastic wrappers someone coughed on in the store for 72 hours. Which one is itI usually wipe items down before putting them away but I did forget last week but figured I wasn’t using the items I purchased for a while. No stress here!Good heavens. If that’s stress life is going to be awfully tough for some. I may start a business renting out safe spaces.They said the same thing about mask some months back. They didn't find evidence doesn't mean they won't in the future. I won't take risk.Your telling me that if I go out into the world and buy a jar of pickles, that has been touched by countless delivery people and stockers and cashiers, I shouldn't bother to wipe it with a disinfectant when I bring it into my home?  Where I live!I’ve been wiping down supplies, groceries, etc. before this pandemic because I don’t like putting dirty things away in my home. I will continue to do so.This guys are crazy the reason why I need to wipe the cans, plastic bags is because many shoppers touches the items in the grocery. So what do you want me to do if a hand with a virus touched the grocery items.<br><br><br>No, no time to reconsider. Until we know more about the way this new virus spread, keep taking all the measures you need to take. I prefer over do it. I know how freaking complex viruses can be. Trust me.I have studied them for decades. if you don't mind me asking can you please send me friend request so we can talk more on messengersSorry experts have been lying to us since day one, I’ll continue taking the precautions that I feel will keep myself and family safe! Don’t wear a mask either.  Exactly!  Are these the same experts who said we didn’t need to buy masks? I started buying mask the second this began in China! Don’t listen to the government or media, take care of yourself and loved ones!I have never wiped down the food packaging or the bags and have had no problems.  I wash my hands immediately after putting all away.Same. And I wipe down my counters before and after preparing meals and wash my hands multiple times while preparing meals.Actually a woman who had a vulnerable system hasn't been outside for weeks. A person who dropped off groceries tested positive and then the woman tested positive. They said it was transfer from groceries. There are surface transfers. Better stop eating.Thanks but I'll continue making a dish water for my groceries, better to be safe than sorryMy brother-in-law is a cook at a local restaurant has came down with the coronavirus his whole family is sick and he is back to work cooking food for everyone. Hello what’s the problem. How do you know they’re not sick?72 hours. Leave grocies In the garage expect for the perishables We don't even need to wash our hands anymore. Just listen to the stable genius and inject disinfectant and stare at the sun.What's next? No need to stop licking shopping carts and doorknobs! I personally saw a lady at Walmart drilling her nose hole with her finger and then use same hand to move around jars on the shelf. YUK! i's walmart. Last time I went to Walmart there was a literal turd on the ground IN the entrance. People just walked around it like it was normal. I avoid Walmart at all cost. ewww Nancy Pelosi wiped her nose today and then wiped the boogers on the podium!  they still do.   You're wearing it to protect those around you.  Surgeons wear them for the same reason. if everyone wore a mask the rate of infection would be below 1 which could mean most businesses could go back to work. Wearing a mask will catch the virus leaving somebody who’s infected and doesn’t know it.I don't believe in the Experts. Last time they said not to wear masks and now they asked everyone to wear  masks. Wiping food is always good, because not only the covid19 virus  are there but the other harmful viruses might be there as well.the cashier was spraying the guys groceries today..haha..i would not have approved..i dont think he cared for it either..they were already in the bag...lolI’ll continue to do so, thank you, it was recommended not to wear masks, now look But yet y’all say the virus live on everything, and now you say don’t wipe our food off. Next your gonna say people are catching the virus from their groceries. exactly. That's what I'm afraid of, so I wipe and clean all grocery bags and wipe milk cartons, and fruits, vegetables etc. yes that's what they say now, but something new always comes up. I don't order restaurant food either because I don't know who is cooking and handling my food and talking into it.Too much the "experts" have gotten deadly wrong about this. They don't know. I'll continue to disinfect everything that comes into my home.I'm an expert, and I do it. keep doing it. Not matter what they say. You're doing good.I wipe down groceries and spray the plastic bags with bleach and water and leave them outside. Can't hurt!Why? That’s crazy.. I’ll still be wiping down my items.. annoying as it is.. it’s better to be safe.<a class="" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/user.php?id=1534476743" href="/erin.h.davis.585?hc_location=ufi">Erin Hendley Davis</a><br><br><br>, you are absolutely right.  Even if I wipe everydown with Lysol - I still assume there could be a small area, I missed - so, I use caution.  We can’t believe these people, as they actually don’t know anything about this virus yet - so we need to do the best we can to avoid it.I aint listening to y'all anymore. Always coming back later saying the opposite of what you had previously said. Leave us alone.Experts  told us no need to wear masks, experts also told us Corona virus couldn't be transmitted from animals to humansJay Sun Cal N on the second part, they never said that since this strain comes from the animal world more specifically seen in bats and just about any virus can jump the animal barrier to humans given mutation which this strain did on more than one occasion, also called zoonosis for a reason! WHO, ok yeah that was at the beginning and frankly I wondered where they got their so called experts!Btw that tweet is human to human transmission not about this virus not being transmitted from an animal vector to humans cause thats exactly what happened because it is a silly thing to do, just like wanting to sit at home everyday for the rest of the year.Pretty pathetic if five minutes of washing groceries once every 10-14 days causes you stress.  Our grandparents dodged bullets in foxholes and didn't complain at all.  Keep up the cleaning, everyone.  We'll get to the end eventually.  To others I'll say, "buck up." I get it ... Do you mean YOUR GRANDPARENTS? Cuz you said OUR GRANDPARENTS... Do you need ME to explain it to YOU!  I’m more concerned about the purple rash on my foot that has spread to my pinky toe. Accompanied by fatigue. Treating it using blood thinning essential oils.I try and wipe every thing.  Thankfully I have a toilet paper supply.  Lol. We have to live and, let live.  We all have to accept the new way of life and learn how to live with it.Or just inject yourself with some good ole bleach and windex and then throw yourself in a tanning bed...that would do the trick...comes from a highly knowledgable and scientific individual!!!, lollol!!. Hmm, wonder who you are talking about???  Who on earth would think like that????  Wow, this is going to be really hard to figure out!!  Nope I don't do it. I keep my social distance, wash or use sanitizer depending on where I am. I carry a mask &amp; gloves if needed.Sorry, I am a clean freak. I’ll still wipe down my groceries with lysol spray. At least the boxed ones.Nope, I’m going to keep wiping everything down - as we have been lied to before.wait y’all wiping your groceries down Wasnt Dr Gupta on CNN a few weeks ago showing us how to wipe our groceries??How in the hell am I going to wipe down a cheesesteak sub!!!!!The FDA is part of the Trump circus. I’ll be wiping twice as much now thanksThought i was the only one It’s not a huge chore. Or you can do both Like who believes the so called "experts" in the white house I'm confused between what experts say and what Trump says.  What we need is more covid19 tests resulting in positive. Do not report on their condition, just report positive casesUmmmm...I don’t believe anything from an Agency that Trump has control over.  His cronies lie as often as Trump himself.Hello my name is Matthew Urquhart and I am a pro Trump Facebook activist and you can be to join my fight at @Redboy1980 on Facebook it's MAGA Time. Let's step it's up. This message has been brought to you by Red rising.Never mind the car,  I'll take the house. I will take the house also About 75% of people in the pen and jail just misjudged and the justice system is messed up they should have checked both parties I mean extensively but they get but this for Man spent 46 years in jail sad it took that long for them to fine out he did not do it Can’t blame him ! That’s what’s wrong with our investigators ! Not enough proof / without a doubt !!! God Bless You Sir ! An I’m so sorry they misjudged you !<br><br><br>Congresswoman Waters, very sorry to hear the news about your sister. May she be comforted on God’s Eagles’ wings. And may you feel His arms of massaging grace enfolding you and your family, at this difficult time. So very sad.Sorry for the news on your sister. This virus is causing so much pain for families. I hope in the near future, a cure will be found. STAY SAFE!!!It’s bad enough it’s all over the news but now it’s in kids shows 2. If kids have questions how about leave that to their parentsBecause of the high altitude and thin air, the lungs of people there have evolved to become more efficient.That plateau covers millions of square miles. It is not a densely populated area, so yes it would be safer. Good job CNN.Radical Right, take note: When the Insane Clown Posse is more responsible and pragmatic than you on any issue, it's time to sit down and reassess things.They might be insane, but they are not "let's reopen the government and kill ourselves " insane. the coronavirus briefings are excruciating. Why do the press including your colleagues just sit there without offering serious challenge. It seems an abrogation of the most fundamental duty of a free press.So PROUD of those who have the courage to be TRUTHFUL in this administration of lies!That a great plan. That’s why kids today have no respect to people and themselves. Good  luck with thatI am waiting for the experts to let me know what this means. I am not trained would only be guessing. I live in California where the February 6 death was discovered. I know I was sick in January. I would love for those of us that were sick to be able to be tested for antibodies.that just shows that 21% of the population has developed antibodies.  it's a good start as far as   herd immunity, but we're not there yet, in new york...  let alone anywhere else..No need for who brought corona virus into the world to kill innocent people, hold China government responsible, stop being timid to say the truth... People died every day enough is enough...Why? Why are you in China?!  It seems as if CNN is unnecessarily putting American lives at risk.

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