Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 7, 2020

con ten

If this upsets you as much as it does me, then why would you want this same Government to be in charge of your healthcare? Think about it, folks. It's the same Government and we will get the same results.I think it's pretty interesting that billionaire Kanye West got what one to two million dollars but now he's paying $35,000 to get on the ticket in Oklahoma did he really need that money he should be chargedIf you don't believe in the silent majority, just look at how many more likes that Fox News gets than CNN. Look at views on YouTube. "The Officer Tatum" gets more views than CNN. You should definitely check him outThe Climax of Bullet Hollywood Paradise Vibe
Seizing the tin crow laughingly amidst envious careless all the mindless same
as the sky framed a brilliant blues scraped into my static matrix caliber escape
pink shattered red gold mean the same for my own good time children to play
dread ought the merrily cheerful ways we come to fall upon never ending gaze
a perfect wonderful trustful sneaking off mercantile liquidation on barbarous cold spells
down below the mightiest whispering show find me a riddle in a late night frolic
stay the thievingly selfish dooming commencement of chiding on judgement day
an agent obediently pursed between the sheets of probing contempt of duplicity wits
parading filth magnetic replica duplicity to their animated complicated pendulum
ever still in mine a shrewd lark wreath around my copper bedside stand
alight of the way down ambled in evening we hear swarms of birds on the rooftops
and in the orange light shadows of cats and roving dogs dance like stilts to the distant hush and hum of the sea
You're so brilliantly conceived oscillates by multi media corporations
Totally resolved in artists within the context of trend equilibrium
produced by entertaining sponsor driven conglomerate garden masters
teetering zany septic clown in a space and time funk with a glue gun at a petting zoo'Please believe that Jesus Christ suffered, shed his blood for the forgiveness of your sins on the cross.
Believe Jesus Chist died on the cross,was buried and arose from the dead three days later.
Believe that without a personal relationship with Jesus as your savior ,that upon death you will end up in Hell until The Day Of Judgment.
On that day you will stand before God and give an account for all your sins . After you are judged you will be cast into The lake Of Fire And Brimstone for all eternity.
Please heed The Gospel Message Of Jesus Christ before it's too late.Plan parenthood got a lot. You know the leading abortion provider in America. The organization that aborts 300,000 babies a year, they take over $500 mil of tax payers money and funnel it back to democrats. Look no further than your local democrat running for office. That’s where millions went.I'm sharing this because this was exactly how i saw so many posts about Mr Ray Giovanni FX and how he was helping individuals with their trades and i decided to give it a try and luckly it went well, i started my investment with the little i had and in less than a week i got my profit successful.My life has been of so much value to me since I was introduced to MR Pieter, I made my first investment profit of $5,800 he gave me hope and his words and then gave me results thank you very much You can message him now.Its interesting that the case against Deutche bank would not be cause for injury of the judge at the personal level, but take the mans history and a federal judge appointed by a democratic president and you have the perfect patsy to pull off an #OperationPelicanBrief. Tie up guy at home, impersonate, bump off judge, go back kill patsy and make it look like suicide. What fools would think otherwise? Was Epstein killed or suicide?
Get rid of judges so you can put your own before end ofYeah right
Dead guy supposedly the shooter ticking all the boxes for the narrative and cannot be questioned...
How very convenient.
Except that this type of thing happened a number of times before.
Nope this was not a lone wolf incident. Epstein did not kill himself and this one is just too convenient.CNN) - On his website, Roy Den Hollander described himself as an "anti-feminist" lawyer who defended "men's rights." His personal writings and life's work reveal a toxic stew of sexist and racist bigotry.
So basically a “ deplorable”.Imagine when you go a stadium with the capacity of 100,000 people and hear them shout at the same time, then try to imagine how 140,000 people's voice will sound like and they are all dead because of an incompetent leader and their voices depends on what you do now. Are you going to make their voices heard or you don't care but you call yourself a patriot?What a neat little package with a bow on it, hand delivered the “suspect” & he didn’t even have to fall out of a window in Moscow.
How clean, and evidenced & cut and dry that was.
Nothing to see here.Someone else attempted the hit. Failed obviously. They then killed this guy. Made look like suicide. Then blamed him. He was picked out in advance for this purpose due to what he has published online. Dead men tell no tales. It's like the Kennedy hit. Oswald killed then guy that shot Oswald killed. Silence the trail of people that can talk.Somebody should tell Don Lemon to lay off the cocktails at dinner before he goes on air..... Watch the rerun later tonight... Nothing more than an on air blogger.....
Droopy eyelids tell it all...
Journalist ???
NOT !!!Imagine trying to get ahead by working 2 full time jobs at $15 an hour. Making roughly $62,000 a year and getting taxed the same as someone making $30 an hour who works 1 full time job? In what sense is that fair? You had to spend twice as much time away from your family and friends trying to get ahead. You should only be taxed on the first 40 hours of your work week!Every country government must increase money note to give job in money birth project. Every country is state of world, Some County are more dependent but some country are less dependent in resource. Every country people same job price are same and same valuable in every country. They use facilities equally in every country. Every country government focus who want to do large agricultur form. World bayabasathapika manage industry in every country if we have needed. How maney country increase money note in existing government.less job in money birth project but more worker and manpower this government help manpower and worker to other country government. In no job in money birth project or less job in money birth project how to give job who are work in money birth project. They work other country government. Less job in money birth project in every country how to manage who are work in money birth project. Every country government increase money note to give them in free but not run government. Every country government must give job to make every people house at first which house is not aviable to live ,new house,government building, college,school, play ground, road, risk place of flooding,river and lake , kinds of religious temple. It is money birth project. Doctor,pilot, singer,actor,business man,farmer,kinds of industry and form worker and manpower or who are not work in money birth project they earn batter system money in every country. Kinds of agriculture increase production in every year, kinds of industry and form increase production in every year, population growth in every year. Every country government must increase money note in money birth project to give job.Every country government run by every people vat. If every people have good job price, every country government take more vat from every people and it use in money birth project. Every country government have same law how maney child is aviable in present situation in every couple in every countI must say I am glad, I actually overcome fear and doubt since I found Mr usaini.I really feel this urge in me to share my experience with some friends out there in line with Mr usaini not to be panic while investing in her platform. Since I found Mr usaini it's an automatic turnaround for me. he good, real and legit. With no doubt he Thank you ma’am Geraldine Catapang you're indeed a great woman to be called i never expected this from you ma'am Geraldine Catapang, i assure you that i will bring more clients to you because of what you've done in my life i promise to let the world know what you've done today in my life ,I will keep sharing the good news about you day by day
Click the name to connect herStay at home and start making money on line working from your home you can start making 10,000$ worth bitcoin in every 24hours interested members download telegram and click on this link to inbox me nowI feel so excited making money from home despite being indoors because of the Covid-19 pandemic. I have made $5500 with an investment capitalof $500. Thanks to Mr Ray Giovanni FX trading account manager. This is more than my usual monthly Cheque, I recommend him specially for anyone who is interested. Reach out to him via the link belowThe lockdown made me to start trading online ..,a friend of mine introduced me to this business because I lost my job in this pandemic .,he introduced me to his manager Mr Ray Giovanni FX and I started trading with the little amount left with me ,, now I am earning more than my monthly salary in weekly basis... i highly recommend him. Contact him via link belowI’m happy am among those that have benefited and are testifying about Mr Ray Giovanni FX investment system, Its best ever. i earn as much as $5,500 in just seven days with an investment capital of $500. I'm really grateful. you can contact him now on his profile link belowMy life has been extremely bless since I started trading with Mrs Sanusi gyaza and I have earned more than my expectation through binary options trading of which I am very happy,now I'm giving testimony about Mrs Sanusi gyaza of his good work checkout through thisThe housing crisis in California has reached a new high forces Californians onto the streets.All resources have been put into undoing an election. Dems have completely put constituents on back burner.Mad Max, Newsome, and in mansions with high walls around it while the people go homeless!!!!The homes you pictured are middle class homes.
Show Al Gore’s. The Obama’s. All the Hollywood and business big wigs homes! The million and billionaire lefties who talk about green house gases for others but never themselves. We don’t need a carbon tax, just ask them to ponie upDid the study include Al Gore's home(s)? Why isn't he living in a tiny house now? Oh yeah, he is a Democrat and reason doesn't apply to him. He looks like he probably farts a lot too, just saying. Also, does Nancy really need that $24,000 freezer for all that ice creamAnd the CEO of CNN and the richest 1% mostly libs have multiple homes that emit several times more ghg while sitting emty and heated while they are shaming is for the same thing while actually ocupying and using the one home we live in. lolEnjoy the event Dr. FAUCI .....
JUST TUNE OUT all the nasty people.
They dont have anything else to do.
They only follow you-know-who "45". You dont play golf once, twice or three times a week. You havent run away or ignore your job. You can walk and chew gum at the same time. I bet you ace every cognitive test.Remember when trump went to a world series game and got bood ? Lol !!! He didnt even bring his young son to the world series and get him a game ball , sad. I expect the Dr. will get a well deserved standing ovation on opening day which will drive trump nuts !!Hello how this god bless me who is in this environment my name is Carlos I am from Bogota Colombia I am the father of two children one of 8 months and my 4 year old daughter always work hard so that they never lack anything but today I found myself in the need to ask a great favor of a person who knows about a job, painting, arranging furniture, washing cars, any type of car, washing, cooking, cleaning, things, past resumes, almost everywhere I must lease for 3 months please my cell number 3212763020 I do not tell lies whoever does not believe come and see my citations god bless youperfect.

African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak countryin. It breaks my heart to see store owners crying over their businesses that they worked all their lives for. Please stop protesting!!! We get it. Don’t make it easy for looters to destroy neighborhoods. If protesters stop so will the mayhem. Anyone left out there on the street will be spotted as up to no go. Do it for your neighbors and neighborhood stores. We are destroying ourselves!!!!What about the poor victims who lost there lively hoods or got beat why dont you focus on that. you focus on Trump going to the bunker, it's the secret service whocontinually attack our President even with Covid19, makes that call not Trump,guess what all those thugs and looters spent 3 hours in jail,there back out BULL!! That was ignorant, in bad taste, knowing they were Peacefully protesting! And let me tell you something, God does know what is in your Heart! And the Bible tells what God will do whenknow is that yall call this justice vandalizing , to show if there is actually differences in the risk profiles for certain groups, or if it's just racist copsbeing ready to take over. Just think about that! Peaceful protest and candlelight services. And around 9 just get some rest. That is a protest.So the looting,killing others and burning of businesses destroying other of ALL races should just be allowed?? targeting groups differently.African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak country

African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak countryin. It breaks my heart to see store owners crying over their businesses that they worked all their lives for. Please stop protesting!!! We get it. Don’t make it easy for looters to destroy neighborhoods. If protesters stop so will the mayhem. Anyone left out there on the street will be spotted as up to no go. Do it for your neighbors and neighborhood stores. We are destroying ourselves!!!!What about the poor victims who lost there lively hoods or got beat why dont you focus on that. you focus on Trump going to the bunker, it's the secret service whocontinually attack our President even with Covid19, makes that call not Trump,guess what all those thugs and looters spent 3 hours in jail,there back out BULL!! That was ignorant, in bad taste, knowing they were Peacefully protesting! And let me tell you something, God does know what is in your Heart! And the Bible tells what God will do whenknow is that yall call this justice vandalizing , to show if there is actually differences in the risk profiles for certain groups, or if it's just racist copsbeing ready to take over. Just think about that! Peaceful protest and candlelight services. And around 9 just get some rest. That is a protest.So the looting,killing others and burning of businesses destroying other of ALL races should just be allowed?? targeting groups differently.African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak country

African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak countryin. It breaks my heart to see store owners crying over their businesses that they worked all their lives for. Please stop protesting!!! We get it. Don’t make it easy for looters to destroy neighborhoods. If protesters stop so will the mayhem. Anyone left out there on the street will be spotted as up to no go. Do it for your neighbors and neighborhood stores. We are destroying ourselves!!!!What about the poor victims who lost there lively hoods or got beat why dont you focus on that. you focus on Trump going to the bunker, it's the secret service whocontinually attack our President even with Covid19, makes that call not Trump,guess what all those thugs and looters spent 3 hours in jail,there back out BULL!! That was ignorant, in bad taste, knowing they were Peacefully protesting! And let me tell you something, God does know what is in your Heart! And the Bible tells what God will do whenknow is that yall call this justice vandalizing , to show if there is actually differences in the risk profiles for certain groups, or if it's just racist copsbeing ready to take over. Just think about that! Peaceful protest and candlelight services. And around 9 just get some rest. That is a protest.So the looting,killing others and burning of businesses destroying other of ALL races should just be allowed?? targeting groups differently.African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak country

African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak countryin. It breaks my heart to see store owners crying over their businesses that they worked all their lives for. Please stop protesting!!! We get it. Don’t make it easy for looters to destroy neighborhoods. If protesters stop so will the mayhem. Anyone left out there on the street will be spotted as up to no go. Do it for your neighbors and neighborhood stores. We are destroying ourselves!!!!What about the poor victims who lost there lively hoods or got beat why dont you focus on that. you focus on Trump going to the bunker, it's the secret service whocontinually attack our President even with Covid19, makes that call not Trump,guess what all those thugs and looters spent 3 hours in jail,there back out BULL!! That was ignorant, in bad taste, knowing they were Peacefully protesting! And let me tell you something, God does know what is in your Heart! And the Bible tells what God will do whenknow is that yall call this justice vandalizing , to show if there is actually differences in the risk profiles for certain groups, or if it's just racist copsbeing ready to take over. Just think about that! Peaceful protest and candlelight services. And around 9 just get some rest. That is a protest.So the looting,killing others and burning of businesses destroying other of ALL races should just be allowed?? targeting groups differently.African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak country

African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak countryin. It breaks my heart to see store owners crying over their businesses that they worked all their lives for. Please stop protesting!!! We get it. Don’t make it easy for looters to destroy neighborhoods. If protesters stop so will the mayhem. Anyone left out there on the street will be spotted as up to no go. Do it for your neighbors and neighborhood stores. We are destroying ourselves!!!!What about the poor victims who lost there lively hoods or got beat why dont you focus on that. you focus on Trump going to the bunker, it's the secret service whocontinually attack our President even with Covid19, makes that call not Trump,guess what all those thugs and looters spent 3 hours in jail,there back out BULL!! That was ignorant, in bad taste, knowing they were Peacefully protesting! And let me tell you something, God does know what is in your Heart! And the Bible tells what God will do whenknow is that yall call this justice vandalizing , to show if there is actually differences in the risk profiles for certain groups, or if it's just racist copsbeing ready to take over. Just think about that! Peaceful protest and candlelight services. And around 9 just get some rest. That is a protest.So the looting,killing others and burning of businesses destroying other of ALL races should just be allowed?? targeting groups differently.African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak country

African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak countryin. It breaks my heart to see store owners crying over their businesses that they worked all their lives for. Please stop protesting!!! We get it. Don’t make it easy for looters to destroy neighborhoods. If protesters stop so will the mayhem. Anyone left out there on the street will be spotted as up to no go. Do it for your neighbors and neighborhood stores. We are destroying ourselves!!!!What about the poor victims who lost there lively hoods or got beat why dont you focus on that. you focus on Trump going to the bunker, it's the secret service whocontinually attack our President even with Covid19, makes that call not Trump,guess what all those thugs and looters spent 3 hours in jail,there back out BULL!! That was ignorant, in bad taste, knowing they were Peacefully protesting! And let me tell you something, God does know what is in your Heart! And the Bible tells what God will do whenknow is that yall call this justice vandalizing , to show if there is actually differences in the risk profiles for certain groups, or if it's just racist copsbeing ready to take over. Just think about that! Peaceful protest and candlelight services. And around 9 just get some rest. That is a protest.So the looting,killing others and burning of businesses destroying other of ALL races should just be allowed?? targeting groups differently.African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak country

African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak countryin. It breaks my heart to see store owners crying over their businesses that they worked all their lives for. Please stop protesting!!! We get it. Don’t make it easy for looters to destroy neighborhoods. If protesters stop so will the mayhem. Anyone left out there on the street will be spotted as up to no go. Do it for your neighbors and neighborhood stores. We are destroying ourselves!!!!What about the poor victims who lost there lively hoods or got beat why dont you focus on that. you focus on Trump going to the bunker, it's the secret service whocontinually attack our President even with Covid19, makes that call not Trump,guess what all those thugs and looters spent 3 hours in jail,there back out BULL!! That was ignorant, in bad taste, knowing they were Peacefully protesting! And let me tell you something, God does know what is in your Heart! And the Bible tells what God will do whenknow is that yall call this justice vandalizing , to show if there is actually differences in the risk profiles for certain groups, or if it's just racist copsbeing ready to take over. Just think about that! Peaceful protest and candlelight services. And around 9 just get some rest. That is a protest.So the looting,killing others and burning of businesses destroying other of ALL races should just be allowed?? targeting groups differently.African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak country

African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak countryin. It breaks my heart to see store owners crying over their businesses that they worked all their lives for. Please stop protesting!!! We get it. Don’t make it easy for looters to destroy neighborhoods. If protesters stop so will the mayhem. Anyone left out there on the street will be spotted as up to no go. Do it for your neighbors and neighborhood stores. We are destroying ourselves!!!!What about the poor victims who lost there lively hoods or got beat why dont you focus on that. you focus on Trump going to the bunker, it's the secret service whocontinually attack our President even with Covid19, makes that call not Trump,guess what all those thugs and looters spent 3 hours in jail,there back out BULL!! That was ignorant, in bad taste, knowing they were Peacefully protesting! And let me tell you something, God does know what is in your Heart! And the Bible tells what God will do whenknow is that yall call this justice vandalizing , to show if there is actually differences in the risk profiles for certain groups, or if it's just racist copsbeing ready to take over. Just think about that! Peaceful protest and candlelight services. And around 9 just get some rest. That is a protest.So the looting,killing others and burning of businesses destroying other of ALL races should just be allowed?? targeting groups differently.African Americans morn George Floyeds death. Looting shops, Arson, robbing innocent Middle Eastern immigrants shops, stealing 8K TV's, Rolex watches and what they fancy. Not only Americans, but entire world is watching how African W.the law. But that is not the truth with his administration.without law and order there is anarchy. we will fall as a nation. The world is watching. Will we be strong and bring order or a weak country

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