Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 7, 2020

Dragon I Have Copd I Don’t Have The Energy To Pretend I Like You Today Shirt

BUY NOW: Dragon I Have Copd I Don’t Have The Energy To Pretend I Like You Today Shirt
Men's T-Shirt front
need the Dragon I Have Copd I Don’t Have The Energy To Pretend I Like You Today Shirt leadership, repect and faith restored in our people toward our government. I don't care if you are far left, right dem or rep.If all peaceful protesters would just stop for now we can end the violence. They are using your forum to destroy your own neighborhoods. We get it!!!! Yes you have the right to protest but it is causing violence, not by peaceful protesters but what the forum draws in. It breaks my heart to see store owners crying over their businesses that they worked all their lives for. Please stop protesting!!! We get it. Don’t make it easy for looters to destroy neighborhoods. If protesters stop so will the mayhem. Anyone left out there on the street will be spotted as up to no go.

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